Home Care Marketing Blog

Grow your business with newsletter signups

It’s been said that the only purpose of Facebook is to grow your email list. And I bet you thought email was dead. After all, everyone gets bombarded with spam. We all hate the tons of emails we get, but let’s admit it — everyone reads the letters of their favorite...

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Make a meme and boost your Facebook image

The court jester in the king’s castle of years ago served a helpful purpose – he made people laugh, often making light of current events. Today’s court jester lives on Facebook in the form of memes – those eye-catching photos with pithy sayings that can go viral in...

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Should I boost my post on Facebook?

One of my clients recently asked me, "Should I boost my post on Facebook?" If you want to be committed to social media marketing, the answer is yes. Boosting your post on Facebook involves paying for clicks on a post that you already made. Facebook prompts you to...

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Digital marketing spending increases in light of coronavirus

Digital marketing spending increases in light of coronavirus

Senior service agencies would stand to gain For the first time, digital marketing will account for more than half of ad spending for US businesses, predicted the Wall Street Journal recently. That's news that the senior care services company can benefit from. Much of...

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Hacker in the Hinterlands

Hacker in the Hinterlands

Saranac Lake is a sleepy little resort town of five thousand people located near the Canadian border in upstate New York. Its residents and visitors enjoy canoeing, hiking, and visiting shops and restaurants in town. You would be surprised if this peaceful town was...

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How one small business got burned with a cheap SEO program

How one small business got burned with a cheap SEO program

Can you go cheap with SEO? Last fall we received a request from a Medicare insurance broker in the Midwest to look at a search engine optimization campaign for which he had been paying for about a year. It was a lesson in SEO disappointments. He had been approached by...

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5 Top Marketing Methods Used by Home Care Agencies

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