A staffing company owner’s cry for help on a popular Facebook business page recently was answered by some interesting responses. The page was Home Health Care Agency Professionals Network. Since it is a public page, we thought we’d show you the advice given. My own advice is at the end.

Jen H

I’m a skilled therapy staffing company and market to skilled home health agencies. Since Covid, I can’t drop in on agencies. I get hung up on when I cold call and my written communications (paper and digital) are unanswered.
Anyone with insight on how I can get someone to at least listen to me?

Answers to Jen’s question

Heather A

Send something of value in mailings or email. We switched billing companies because our current company sent us a Home Health newsletter quarterly. When it was time to make a change, we picked the company that had been persistent and been adding value to our company already. When I am trying to find PT info I often run into a paywall on the APTA website. If the APTA has a relevant news article to Home Health, I would appreciate getting that emailed or mailed to me. I may not be looking for a new skilled therapy company now, but when I was, I would first consider a company that was adding value with their marketing.

Kristy H

Do you want to connect Friday? We can talk about some things that helped me. I started with mailers and made sure to include my cost per service. I really think this is what brought people to me. Once I got around 45 contracts, I really haven’t done much marketing. I do occasionally check for home health agencies around my area and I keep a spreadsheet of who I have contacted (whether it be by mail, phone, email) and if I got a response of any kind. I try to do follow ups every 9-12 months because I don’t want to drive them crazy! But now it’s pretty much word of mouth!

Deena S

You should reach out to the marketers of the home health care agencies. Maybe post certain agencies and ask for the name/number of the liaisons. Schedule with them to drop off to their offices. I used to be a HH liaison and would always try to gather resources for my office and our patients.

Kevin J Banet

The above advice is good. Also, put together a list of 50 such agencies in your area. Send them a letter in the regular mail every month. Make the letter interesting – write what would be helpful to them in finding good skilled therapists. Keep sending the letters. Consistency is important.

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