Saranac Lake is a sleepy little resort town of five thousand people located near the Canadian border in upstate New York.

Its residents and visitors enjoy canoeing, hiking, and visiting shops and restaurants in town.

You would be surprised if this peaceful town was the source of a vicious website attack.

And yet that is where I traced the center of what is known as a DOS attack against one of our client’s websites. DOS stands for denial of service, and it occurs when there are hundreds of thousands of website “visits” to a single page. These visits, or requests, use up what is known as bandwidth. The website server cannot handle this many requests and the entire website crashes.

The blitz that I was looking for started on Jan 10. Who was behind it?

When I contacted our client, I was told that one of their website’s chat room members lived in Saranac Lake. Hmm….

Now I cannot imagine that a website chatter was guilty of clicking her mouse three hundred thousand times over a few days. That’s a lot of wrist action. No doubt it was a virus on her computer simulating these mouse clicks. We blocked the proper IP address and the problem was solved.

But has your website been working as a sales tool, Howard?

A website upgrade helps

Is your website old or in need of more pages or content? Why not give it an upgrade?

All Help Home Care’s digital footprint is more essential now during these lockdown times since your prospects are at home more often.

Also, is your website configured for the search engines? Is it SEO-friendly with the proper metatags such as title, description, and headline tags, for each page?

Do you have an “elevator speech” on your home page that clearly describes your unique selling proposition? Your average webmaster knows nothing about this. I’ll help you write one.

Smaller is often better

It’s often better dealing with a small marketing agency like Savvy Senior Marketing.

I answer my own phone. I’m doing your sales writing. Others help, too. Thomas helps with web tech. Dini with WordPress websites. And a few graphic artists fill in other gaps.

Just look at the websites we have upgraded at, of Orland Park,, of Oswego, or our own website at These are just a few.

What are you waiting for? Strengthen your brand with a better website now!