This past year’s pandemic and social and political strife has caused a lot of business owners – maybe you – a lot of anguish.

I read in a chat room the other day that someone compared the COVID pandemic with the bombing of London during World War II.

Maybe not that bad, but last year was a real bummer.

And yet, whatever threat that comes our way can be turned into a benefit.

Adversity means potential

Recall the words of the self-help author Napoleon Hill:

“Adversity has within it the seeds of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

Think about the famous millionaire W. Clement Stone who began his lucrative career selling life insurance – during the Depression.

Don’t let fear and anxiety intimidate you in your work in serving others. Here is a little trick that will put in into proper perspective.

Think about your mission to help the elderly in some way or another. Home care, or financial help, or moving help. That is noble. Think about the good you do, and how your clients need you. The fear will subside. Perfect love casts out all fear.

Does a difficult time – a downturn like this mean that all is lost?

Warren Buffet’s secret skill

The famous investor and business tycoon Warren Buffet is known for his genius in stock investments. A big secret of his is to study companies and finding those few that look bad but really have potential. He has a sixth sense for knowing which companies are worthy of some of his billions of investment dollars.

Early in his career, Buffet was able to buy 5% of American Express for $20 million. The company’s stock had recently taken a plunge after a tiny subsidiary of the firm was caught in a fraud known as the Salad Oil Scandal.

But Buffet knew that overall, the company was solid, had good management and a good track record. His guess was right. He reaped the benefits of one of the most lucrative trade deals of the century.

A hot stock pick?

If your company was publicly traded, would you invest in it now?

Is your service managed well, with a system that pleases clients? Are you finding your way through these COVID problems?

Whatever you do, don’t put aside your marketing efforts.

It’s important to keep the pipeline of prospects flowing. Stay in touch with your current client base. Your brand needs to stay in front of your audience. These are all the goals of marketing.

Here is what we can do at Savvy Senior Marketing for your senior care service:

  • Find new senior clients in home care, financial and legal services, or move services
  • Maintain relationships with current clients so they will be aware of your services, and provide feedback
  • Put a good face on your business with a new website, whether simple or complex
  • Provide a tactile promotion experience with direct mail newsletters, brochures and flyers
  • Find new clients with pay-per-click advertising

Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.