You’ve heard all about how to use Facebook to boost your business beyond your wildest dreams.

“Sure, but I’m not that into Facebook,” you say.

You might be wondering if it’s possible to carry out a minimum level of Facebook promotion that does not take a lot of time, but gives others a decent enough impression of your home care agency?

Here’s a way to spend thirty minutes a week to keep your business Facebook page fresh, and impress prospects who may be checking you out.

All you need to do is a little bit of research to share what else is going on out there, as well as to add your own company news and your opinions. Here are ideas that you can steal:

7 easy ways to make your Facebook page work for you

  1. Post “feel good” memes with images and text about health or aging
  2. Attract caregivers with a link to your website’s application page
  3. Brag about yourself with client testimonials
  4. Post announcements such as employee awards given, or client success stories
  5. Make seasonal/holiday posts with free images from Pixabay or Pexels
  6. Post links to national health care stories with your comment
  7. Run ads to get Facebook page likes to a local audience

You can spend a few hours once a month, do your research, choose your images, and then schedule posts for the month ahead. Posting once a week is the minumum, Facebook marketing experts say. It’s best to schedule your posts for different days for variety, and different hours of the day to get different audiences. Include an image with each post, because people browse Facebook for things to look at.

If you have a website with a blog capability (and even simple ones such as Wix, Weebly or GoDaddy have blogs), you can make your posts on your website and then link these from your Facebook page. That way you get double duty from your posts.

Inc. magazine recently carried a story about how to use Facebook for business growth.

For your Facebook posts, make them light, informational or entertaining. Don’t just sell all the time, explaining your services. Write as if you were casually talking to a new friend or neighbor. And of course don’t forget to link your Facebook page from your website with the little blue Facebook icon.

Creating a presence

At this low level of involvement, you are simply creating a presence, giving a good impression of your home care agency. Don’t expect prospects to jam your phones with inquiries with this minimum level of promotion. For that you need a greater level of involvement. This basic approach assumes that you have some other way of attracting prospects. They need to find you from other marketing efforts. These include lead generation with pay-per-click marketing, which we do here at Savvy Senior Marketing.

The strenghth of this minimum level of publicty is that you will look good when they hear about you from another source and check you out.

Get page likes quickly with ads

Many Facebook pages of home care agencies have fewer than one hundred page likes. (Page likes are similar to fans.) That’s not too many. When posting, you don’t want to preach to an empty church. Besides, when people check out your company via your Facebook page, 65 page likes isn’t impessive at all.

So, build your Facebook fan base by asking friends and acquaintances to like your Facebook business page.

Your next step is to take out ads for Facebook page likes.

You want to send your ads to your age demographic, and those within your service area. These folks will be future clients who will need your services.

You might know businesses who have bought a service that gets page likes very cheaply from Asia, South America or other places. But these people will never like, comment or share your posts. Only future prospects in your area will do this. With Facebook ads, you can get page likes from around 75 cents to a dollar each or more.

We can do this

We at Savvy Senior Marketing offer a monthly package of Facebook Social Media Posting. We know just how to strengthen your brand with attractive memes and timely news posts. We make posts as described above, and run ads for page likes. We work closely with you to brand your unique feel and style.

Prices for monthly posting start at a level that provides the minimum of visibility. We will also build or rebrand your Facebook page so that it is an attractive introduction to your home care business.

Check out a few of our posts and memes for our clients on our “HelpMySenior Facebook page.”

(The above image is from one of our clients, Destiny Senior Care, for whom we ran a social media program.)

Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.