Forbes magazine

The founder and CEO of a home care agency said that those in the industry must adapt themselves to current trends – or they will flat out fail.

“A shifting regulatory environment and demographic pressures have begun forcing home care businesses to adapt or be left behind,” said Jeff Bevis, founder and CEO of FirstLight Home Care, an in-home care agency for seniors and adults.

In a recent article in Forbes magazine, he said that the way forward for home care companies is to incorporate new and emerging technologies, such as back-end office work. For example, electronic health records are used more and more to improve the continuum of care.

There has been an increase in licensure requirements as well. He said that 33 states now require some form of licensure for home care. Those requirements include the use of appropriate technology.

“There are emerging tech requirements such as electronic visit verification (EVV) coming to many states beginning later this year [2019],” he said.

Some home care agencies will fail

Bevis addressed the problem of a caregiver shortage as well. “Home care businesses have to improve the way they recruit, hire, train and retain their caregivers to combat industry turnover rates that top 60%,” he said.

Less sophisticated home care companies will feel the pinch. He said there would be:

“More rapid industry consolidation due to the increasing need for technology investments. The higher costs of licensure and regulatory requirements will actually reduce the number of active, growing home care companies.”

He summed up, “never lose sight of the core mission: Providing high-quality service delivery every day with every employee to every client and every family.”

Specialists in home care services

The article seemed to point to the need for specialists who can help in the home care field. It only makes sense to include home care marketers who have the knowledge and expertise to retain current clients and find new ones. We at Savvy Senior Marketing will be happy to talk with you about a plan to improve your marketing using the latest online and print methods.

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