It’s been said that the only purpose of Facebook is to grow your email list.

And I bet you thought email was dead.

After all, everyone gets bombarded with spam.

We all hate the tons of emails we get, but let’s admit it — everyone reads the letters of their favorite groups. Email is still a strongman in the marketing world.

So, you might ask, is there a way to increase your email list for your non-profit? You bet. There are several new techniques nowadays that involve targeting the right audience and delivering just the right pitch to get them on board. This technique involves pay-per-click ads and a landing page where people go when they click on the ads.

Wouldn’t you like to have hundreds of new members getting your emails? Nutured over time with your newsletters, they will become involved with their activity or donations.

Newsletter Signup Program

Our Newsletter Signup Program involves several techniques. One of them is remarketing, where ads follow you over the internet. Visitors to your website go to other websites, including Facebook, and they see your ad. Nifty, huh?

We also craft Facebook ads directed toward people who like certain pages and have certain interests on Facebook.

Another important part of this program is an attractive landing page that turns your visitors into members. We use software that clearly and simply describes what it is you offer. On the page is an simple and clear signup form. The new emails are put directly on your list, whether it be Constant Contact, iContact, or any of many other email services.

Recently, we were able to gain new members for a newsletter list for a non-profit for a few dollars per name. (Setup fees also apply to our program.)

How we build your program

Here’s how we do it:

  • Savvy Senior Marketing studies your organization and your target audience.
  • We design several ads for you, and target your audience by interests, geography, gender, age, and marital status.
  • We write a compelling landing page, which can be placed on your website. Our creative work is approved by you in advance.
  • We run the ads, and then monitor ad and landing page activity.

Ready to boost your newsletter list with our Newsletter Signup Program? Take our brief survey and receive a free evaluation.

Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.