Seniors and others who need living assistance usually want the independence and familiarity of living at home.

As a home care provider, you have to meet these needs.

Like any business, your home care service needs a continuous stream of new clients. You need to be pitching your net all the time. Thus, your home care marketing should involve some mix of both traditional networking, sales, advertising, and mail, as well as online methods.

Home care service providers are the agencies that provide home care to seniors and others in need who wish to live independently. They typically involve non-medical services. These seniors and others want the independence of living at home, as well as the lower cost as compared to a nursing home.

Who is the target market for your home care services?

The adult children of elderly parents are the main target for your marketing efforts. These are people in their 50s and 60s who are beginning to become concerned about how to care for their aging parents.

These folks often don’t know where to go to find quality care, or about how to judge which agency will take adequate care of their parents. They may be perplexed about how to navigate the maze of care options and providers. Thus, you need to reach them through directly through various kinds of mass marketing methods.

Another target of your marketing are the administrators and discharge managers of nursing homes, hospitals, and similar institutions. These people are best approached with traditional sales techniques. The goal is to show them that you provide quality, dependable care, and to gain in return a steady stream of new clients.