Your newsletter must grab attention

“Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em cry, make ‘em … wait.”

Sounds simple, but this phrase, attributed to English novelist and dramatist Wilke Collins, is a formula for success if you want to tell a story and hold peoples’ attention.

Can you use this approach to gain the attention and improve the loyalty of your home care clients?

You bet.

The great showman P.T. Barnum said,

“Politeness and civility are the best capital ever invested in business. Large stores, gilt signs, flaming advertisements, will all prove unavailing if you or your employees treat your patrons abruptly.”

What greater sign of civility can you show your clients than by sending them a free and fun-to-read, informative newsletter every month? One that is branded to your agency website’s colors and with your logo?

Think about it — At the end of the day when you sit down at the kitchen table, what kind of mail do you like to read?

One that contains:

  • A personal column of yours that contains, for example, a great foundation story of your agency?

And articles such as these:

  • “A Bad Back Can Ruin Grandma’s NASCAR Career”
  • “Dad’s Bitter Brain Battle”
  • “Swinging With the Tree Fairies”

As well as a pitch asking for referrals among their family and friends?

Something tangible

Think about it…

How well do you keep up with your current clients and prospects? How many clients are moments away from dropping your service because of some unhappy event?

Why not provide a channel of communication that tells them that you care about them enough to send them something tangible and fun through the regular mail? They might just rethink their concern, or give you a call to clear things up.

Introducing our Boomer Newsletter, tailored to your home care and arriving in your clients’ mailboxes every month.

Our newsletter is one part of a home care agency’s ideal promotion program.

Concerning promotion, have you heard about these sayings of P.T. Barnum?

  • “Without promotion, something terrible happens — nothing!”
  • “Clowns are the pegs on which the circus is hung.”
  • “He who is without a newspaper is cut off from his species.”

At the end of the day when you sit down at the kitchen table, what kind of mail do you like to read?

Something light, newsy but fun to read?

That’s what our Boomer Newsletter is all about. It’s a short monthly piece designed for clients of home care agencies and anyone who serves the elderly.

If you send this piece out, you’ll be a hit among your home care clients.

Frankly, we don’t know any other marketing service that provides this unique communication tool. Contact us today to start this service with our next monthly issue.

Let's talk!

Want to know more about how this can work for you?
Contact us, or make a brief appointment on my calendar.