Do your home care prospects respect your professional expertise?

When you’re reaching out to prospects, an essential part of your branding is to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

When it comes to home care, show yourself to be knowledgeable about the issues facing seniors who want to live independently at home. Show sympathy for those adult children who are struggling with problems of how to take care of mom and dad.

You can do so by writing a whitepaper addressing a particular issue. You can even write an infographic “cheat sheet,” or even an entire book. Freelancers and writers can be found to do any of these tasks.

Tap or click to get our own whitepaper, “58 Ways to Keep Your Senior Safe at Home.”

Hubspot, an authority on content marketing, says,

“…focus your content creation efforts on a few topics about which you’re very knowledgeable. It’s better to do a deep dive into a small handful of topics than speak generically about everything under the sun.” (“11 Ways to Use Content to Build Online Authority”)

Whitepaper as lead magnet

A whitepaper can be used as a “lead magnet” to attract prospects to your newsletter. Simply ask for their email address and name, and deliver the whitepaper with their first newsletter. (See our own Savvy Senior Marketing whitepaper. Scroll to the bottom of the page for “58 Ways to Keep Your Senior Safe at Home.”)

A whitepaper need be only three or four pages long. (Our whitepaper above is 15 pages, and 5.5″ wide, so that it’s viewable on smartphones.) A few graphics can make it attractive.

The whitepaper should offer helpful information; it should not be “salesly.” It should come across as an objective body of knowledge about your topic. Put your company name and website address (with link) at the end, not at the top. A whitepaper is thus a gift. A gift sets the stage for reciprocal action. The prospect will thus feel indebted to get more involved with your senior care company.

It’s important to probe the mind of your potential client, and answer questions that the adult child have about their senior parent in your whitepaper. Answer these questions with objective facts, studies, statistics, and authoritative articles in well-respected news outlets.

Need a professional to write clearly-written whitepapers and blog posts? Call us with the phone number at the top of this page, or contact us.

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