Home Care Marketing Blog

Quick sales trick to put your name before home care prospects

Quick sales trick to put your name before home care prospects

When this corona-thing is over ... Wouldn't you like to put your home care agency's name right into the hands of your prospects? There is a simple way that can be used by anyone. ... You might be confined to your home during the stay-at-home order now, but as soon as...

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Our COVID-19 Alert Package

Reassure your public against COVID-19 fears If you're a home care agency owner, your clients need to be reassured that you have a best-practices protocol in place in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Your caregivers need the same reassurance. What you need is a...

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Quarantined for life!

It is said that Abraham Lincoln was once chided by one of his cabinet members for making a joke during the Civil War. He responded, "If I did not laugh at a time like this, I would have to cry."

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What big agencies are doing to address coronavirus fears

What big agencies are doing to address coronavirus fears

Coronavirus / COVID-19 notice on our client's home care website Put up a COVID-19 alert notice Since the storm has arrived, it's time to adjust the sails a bit. If agencies respond correctly in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, they will stay afloat, help others, and...

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“You should win that race”

“You should win that race”

Home care agency owners often go it alone. Here's why they need a home care coach. Many years ago, a dedicated high school coach quietly told a runner on his cross-country team, "You should win that race." I was a friend of that runner, Carey Pinkowski, who would go...

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The People magazine technique

The People magazine technique

Reaching your referring partners Discharge planners, nurses and doctors are super-hard to reach, right? It's like trying to crack a stone egg. Well, I just got off the phone with one of my clients, Kurt Hjelle of Oswego, IL for whom we here at Savvy Senior Marketing...

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