Superhero copywriter calls when I had pizza on the table

If you were a bit-part actor in Hollywood, wouldn’t you be impressed if Harrison Ford called you?

That’s how I felt when I got a call this evening from Bob Bly, a leading copywriter and author of 95 books, including The Digital Marketing Handbook, by Entrepreneur Press, according to Wikipedia.

I had just walked into our family kitchen and was looking eagerly at a hot pizza that had been pulled out of the oven. The phone rang. Since I didn’t recognize the number, I almost didn’t answer it.

“Hi, this is Bob Bly,” the voice said.

Awesome. The man I had read about so much, and whose many listings of works on his plainly-named website,, I admired.

“You’re a famous person,” I replied. “I should take notes.”

He chuckled, no doubt out of humility. One of the many comments from clients and others describes how he reaches out and helps other copywriters. So it shows that he wasn’t too proud to call a lesser-known like me.

He explained that he was calling me because I had replied to his marketing email, asking him why he chose a certain marketing approach. He said it was easier to answer the question by just making a phone call rather than write me.

Print making a comeback

So I spent a few minutes chatting with Harrison For– er, Bob Bly. We talked about how printed newsletters had a lot of merit nowadays. He said that printed mailpieces were making a big comeback.

I also talked about our service here at Savvy Senior Marketing, and about how we offered a printed newsletter service that home care agencies could send to their clients and prospects. I talked about how we were offering humor in newsletters, and how that could be effective.

When you answer an email newsletter from a superhero and your phone rings, you never know who it will be.