Wouldn’t you like to get free local news coverage?

Imagine prospects, clients and friends seeing your business highlighted in their area newspaper – whether online or in print.

Your image in their eyes would be given quite a boost, I’m sure you agree.

The way to do it is to write a press release and submit it to the editorial department of your local media outlet.

News organizations have pared down their staff of editors and reporters since the advent of the internet. They rely more on submitted work, and are starving for good content. They will often take your press release verbatim.

Church ministry featured in local newspaper

Here’s one example of how Kevin Banet at Savvy Senior Marketing garnered free coverage in a local newspaper for a Catholic church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago.

There several angles you can take in coming up with such a story.

One idea is to show the local angle of a national news item. In the example of the church ministry above, the press release was written just after church missionaries from another state were kidnapped in Haiti and held for ransom.

A question in the minds of many readers is that, “I wonder how other missionaries are faring in Haiti?”

This press release answered that question for local readers in Huntley, IL. The writer interviewed a person involved in the ministry, who also provided photos that were forwarded to the newspaper.

In this case the article on the Haiti ministry was covered in the Daily Herald, which has a daily circulation of 94,200.

Our client, Jeannie O’Leary, said,

“Kevin did a great job of writing an article about our church ministry and getting it published in our local newspaper. He listened and worked with me to print factual information.”

Other news angles

You also might want to highlight a new service or product in your business, or a new way that a product is manufactured. Or an exemplary employee, or your involvement in a local charity.

The higher the news value (and less promotional-sounding) the closer to the paper’s front page you’ll get.

It takes skill in researching, writing and pitching the story to local news outlets. That’s why we suggest that we at Savvy Senior Marketing do it for you.

Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay