Your marketing must have the same offer, reach the same audience, and reach them at the same time.

You hear a lot of complaints about advertising being everywhere nowadays.

But you have to admit – it works.

Frequency is the magic word in marketing – get your message out there many times to your audience.

There is another special term – multichannel marketing. This is sending your message over multiple channels, or platforms. For home care and hospice care marketing, this means Facebook ads, email, postcards and social media.

Such an ad campaign would have its most powerful effect when your company is promoting a specific offer. For example, news that you will be offering 24-hour care, rather than a few hours a day, or that you have a new whitepaper to offer.

We suggest four areas, or channels to use, all during the same time frame, such as a week:

  1. Facebook ads
  2. Email newsletters
  3. Postcards
  4. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)

Furthermore, I’d like to mention a detail here with Facebook ads. The ads should be run to your current stakeholders.  That means your database of customers. This is what Facebook calls a custom audience. Facebook can match phone numbers or emails with its own list and send ads just to those people. It is especially powerful because only those people whom you know already will get the ads. You might count on half of the names matching up with Facebook accounts.

I did this one time, sending an ad to eight hundred of my business and family contacts. It was a test – a simple photo of me grilling outdoors on Labor Day. Facebook doesn’t say how many of the names match up with their list. But I got a few friendly responses on Facebook, so we know it works.

A little secret – split test your approach

The artwork and message for your integrated campaign should be unified, with your branding of course. That means the same headline, font, image, offer and so on.

And I’d like to let you in on a little secret – various ad headlines and images can be tested out beforehand to see which will do best. This is done with Facebook’s split testing ad system. You can find which ad gets the lowest cost per click, and therefore which is the most popular and cost-effective.

Here’s the kicker – the results you get from Facebook’s split testing can be used to design your email and postcard campaigns. Neat, huh? (This little-known practice is even being used to determine things like book titles nowadays.)

The multichannel idea is that your prospects are hit from many sides – grocery shopping, browsing at home on your computer, or scanning the post office mail at the lunch table. Your prospects can’t escape your message.

Reaching your current home care clients

Since you are reaching out to your existing clients and prospects, this is a much more efficient use of your marketing dollars than throwing money at new faces who haven’t heard of you.

We at Savvy Senior Marketing are now offering this service to home care and hospice care agencies. Now you can sidesell, get referrals and get new clients with our Multichannel Marketing System. Call us at the number at the top of the page, or contact us to get the ball rolling.