Reaching behind the castle wall

You may have wondered about all the hubbub behind omnichannel marketing.

Omnichannel marketing is the coordination of different promotion methods to reach the same prospects. Thus, marketing collateral in various forms is sent to the same persons through website display ads, email campaigns, phone calls, social media campaigns, and with even direct mail through the post office.

The term omnichannel marketing has grown greatly over the past year, as measured by Google’s trending feature.

Omnichannel gets past gatekeepers

Omnichannel methods are a way to reach beyond the office gatekeepers, the walls and the moats put up around your prospects … whether they are man-made or caused by nature, such as Covid.

You’ve probably been frustrated at times with trying to get through to your cold prospects. You’re sure they will love your service or product, but you can’t seem to get them to respond.

Imagine your prospect, a decision maker who has been carefully picked out, who can give you good business, sitting at their desk. He or she may receive many phone calls and visits from salespeople. But this person knows that they don’t have the time to talk to all of them. So you are told that Mr. Bigfoot is not in the office.

Why not use direct mail, which will reach the top of their desk?

The trend toward using the U.S. mail is certain. In the last few years, big marketing companies such as Hubspot, Marketo and Mailchimp have added postcards to their marketing systems.

A simplified omnichannel method

One omnichannel method that we at Savvy Senior Marketing use is with postcards and letters – followed up with automated emails as well as personal phone calls.

Here’s how it works.

We start with direct mail. This method has been ditched for years as being antiquated in favor of the wonders of the internet. Yes, it’s delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, which has had plenty of experience since its founding before the Declaration of Independence was even signed.

Various kinds of mailpieces can be used. How about a big bright postcard as an icebreaker? Unlike a letter, or even a personal visit from a salesperson, every postcard is seen by the recipient.

Savvy’s simplified method

We here at Savvy Senior Marketing have developed a simplified omnichannel approach that’s less expensive than the thousands of dollars spent on other omnichannel programs. Our method can also be used to test your market on a small scale to see whether it will work for your business.

We suggest sending a large postcard that colorfully displays your service or business. It should carry your company’s branded colors, fonts and logo.

Then the postcard needs to offer a free information piece or gift. We at Savvy Senior Marketing can give you some ideas based on your business, whether it is an insurance agency, software service, or truck logistics delivery service for example.

The person sees the website address on the postcard with your offer, goes to the site, and enters their email address and name to get the free item. Then you send them a series of emails that directly answers their needs with your service or product.

And here’s the kicker – you check in on who has opened the email and then call them the same day. Making the call within the hour is even better.

This simplified omnichannel approach can work for your business. We at Savvy Senior Marketing can design the postcard and the email campaign and run it all for you.

Why not let us explain how our omnichannel marketing system would attract new prospects for you?

Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.