Irish pop singer Brian McFadden sings a popular playful melody “Be True to Your Woman.

In the song, he recalls trying to talk his friend out of turning his back on his girlfriend to “risk it all for a moment of lust.”

Let’s not get too Freudian here…. But he sings about the tendency in all of us to take for granted those who belong to us in some way:

Well, I’ve been there
The grass was just fine on this side
Because I’ve been there
There’s no getting back on that ride
There’s no replacing the love you got

Yup. The grass was just fine on this side. But some mirage or illusion distracted us. And we lost our home care clients.

Brian’s message applies to just about any business, home care agencies including. The grass is green on our side. We have clients. They are making payments. They get along with our caretakers. Then why do we ignore them and chase after every shiny object?

We forget about the ones who are faithful to us. And then, as the singer says,

When it’s over, the secret won’t die
She’ll move on to another guy

With neglect, our home care clients will feel unappreciated. And they will respond when someone else reaches out to them with an appealing sales pitch. Then they’ll be gone.

Those shiny objects are the fictional new clients – those who exist in a dream world, that we will spend a lot of advertising dollars to get. Just put out some ads, and watch the new people come in. But as many business people know, it takes around five times as much to bring in a new client as it is to hold onto a current one.

Paid advertising seems so alluring – easy money, quick clients. Get the ad just right and the home care clients will roll in.


Yes, I’ll admit that paid ads have their place. If you are a market leader, just spend more than your competition in ads, and you’ll maintain your position. But if you aren’t the top dog in your business, be cautious. It’s hard to get quality clients that way. Paid ads work, but it’s tricky.

And if you don’t watch it, your current clients will move on to “another guy.”

A snappy-looking infographic

Imagine this: a way to keep engaged with your current clients. Show them your loyalty. How about offer them a free infographic, “Four Advantages of Old Age.” It would contain some very good reasons for… well, just being old. Along with some lighthearted graphics. All-in-all serious, but with a chuckle. Something they can put on their refrigerator to make their children and grandchildren feel good about grandma or grandpa. Hopefully you’ll get referrals as well.

You could send the invitation for the infographic by email. You could also get their attention with an eye-popping postcard. Send it to your prospect list as well. They will appreciate the light-hearted pitch.

We can put together the entire infographic system for you – email, postcard, landing page with name capture, and infographic delivery. To top it off, we can brand it to your home care agency.

Take the step now. Show some loyalty to your current clients. Be true to your woman.