People like the printed word

We recently sent out copies of the mother of all sales letters — eight pages long — to a certain group of home care agency owners at their office street addresses.

Did you get yours?

It was about our new Client Referral & Retention Program. Our letter had some real gems about marketing that you will no doubt benefit from. It also has a few pictures (a bit goofy I’ll admit). And a story about what I learned from my English professor dad who didn’t care a whit about sports but why he nevertheless read a certain sports columnist.

If you would like to see a sample issue, just contact us and we will send you one – through the postal service, of course.

And how has our new program been working?

It’s always a pleasant surprise when a new marketing program gets results right away.

That’s why I was pleased to hear from one of our clients that our new home care client newsletter received some good feedback.

“We got one very nice compliment from a client,” wrote John Trompeter, president of ComForCare of Wheaton, IL. “I’m sure it had an impact behind the scenes,” he said of the newsletter.

It’s an old saying in the newspaper industry that when you get one letter to the editor expressing a certain position, there are ten others who also felt the same way but just didn’t write.

A personal touch every month

Our first newsletter, the May edition, for our ComForCare client had a personal column from John (written by us), as well as news and humor.

His clients and prospects will be treated to this personal touch each month. My guess is that they’ll look forward to receiving it.

What does this mean for you, a home care owner?

Printed mail sent directly to your clients’ and prospects’ homes has a real impact. It’s personal, and if it’s good writing, it hangs around the kitchen table for a while. When it’s well written, telling a personal story about your home care agency, your client is endeared to you a little bit more each month. That’s what helps to make them more loyal to you and feel better about contacting you if they have a problem. And what makes them more likely to refer their friends and family to you.

Our program is best for home care agencies who are stable, and have thirty or more clients and prospects.

Interested in this program? The first step is to fill out our registration interest form for the Client Referral & Retention Program. Kindly do it today to make it in time for our next issue.

Let's talk!

Want to know more about how this can work for you?
Contact us, or make a brief appointment on my calendar.