Walk into any Starbucks and you’ll likely be pleasantly awed by the boundless number of coffee blends available.
In fact, there are 87,000 different combinations of coffees and customizations possible, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Like any consumer, you probably like all the options.
Senior service companies like yours do not have as many choices as do coffee houses, but they can benefit from a multi-channel marketing approach.
Look around you — digital-only advertising is making way for the post office approach today.
A Forrester study commissioned by a marketing company found that for primarily digital clients, adding print to the digital lifted their ROI from 3.1% to a 14.1% increase in sales.
Wouldn’t you like to see that kind of improvement in your home care or hospice care marketing efforts?
We at Savvy Senior Marketing find success in our own marketing system specifically designed for home care and senior service agencies. In this program, we reach out to social workers in nursing homes and rehabs who can refer patients to you.
Our Client Acquisition Program targets twenty or more social workers in cities where you have caregivers, contacts them by phone, and then follows up with emails and direct mail.
Like the song says, you are always on their mind.
Direct mail is making a comeback. You can sense from its inclusion in the services of marketing companies all over the country. In fact, direct mail, in the form of postcards and sales letters, is tangible and has lasting power in the minds of recipients.
We know this and we take advantage of it.
They see your stuff
When you contact the social workers whose names we give you, they are familiar with your brand through these very marketing channels. We send multiple mailings each month, so that not a week goes by without their seeing your materials.
When you call to make an appointment, they know you.
Today’s online mailing services make printing and mailing faster and cheaper than before. We deal with the best vendors and will give you the benefit of our experience.
You can go to any number of marketing companies for your home care marketing. But we are unique in that we specialize in home care and senior services.
Why not use this marketing method to bring in more clients and customers? Get in touch with us at Savvy Senior Marketing by making an appointment for a free 20-minute phone consult, or by sending us an email.