GoDaddy coaches you through the SEO process, asking that you include the page’s keyword phrase into the headline.

Easy website designer for home care

We’ve worked with various kinds of website builders, and GoDaddy’s version must be one of the easiest available.

It’s named GoCentral, and is simple and intuitive. And although it has a plain-jane template look, that’s good enough for most small home care agencies.

The website is easy to build, which is why it’s used by a lot of small businesses, including I’m sure, the smaller home care agencies. In the edit mode, you just click on the section or paragraph you want to change, then make your changes or swap out the image. A very intuitive interface.

GoCentral offers lots of stock images related to home care and health care, or you can upload your own. There is a handy cropping feature as well.

You can see how we designed a GoCentral website for Cherish Home Care. We used GoDaddly’s health care template, which has a long home page, appropriate images, and home care text. The long page acts as a sales tool, since people are more likely to keep scrolling than to click on another page.

The website designer passes the mobile-friendly test, which is of course very important nowadays.

We improved Cherish Home Care’s logo and photoshopped a few other images to improve its looks.

Good SEO Tool

I’m impressed with GoCentral’s search engine optimization tool (SEO), which suggests keywords based on your text. It also coaches you through the SEO process as you move from one page to another. For example, it asks that you include the page’s keyword phrase into the headline.

If you want to aggressively pursue SEO, you would build your site in WordPress, SquareSpace, or a similar platform. That’s because their are more SEO options and tools available. But GoCentral does a good job for smaller sites. There is an option for a blog, which of course is just dandy for SEO. GoCentral has a page limit of fifty, but that is tolerable for local SEO.

The only criticism is that I wish there were more color and design options.

Do you need help building a simple website on GoCentral, Weebly or Wix? Or do you need something with a unique and attractive look with a high-powered SEO capability? We can work with WordPress or SquareSpace. Call us at the number on the top of this page, or contact us by email.